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Making an Archtop Guitar

by Robert Benedetto
The definitive work on the design and construction of an acoustic archtop guitar by one of the most talented luthiers of the twentieth century. Benedetto shows all aspects of construction, even through marketing your finished work. Includes a list of suppliers; a list of serial numbers for Benedetto guitars; full-color plates; photos from the author's personal scrapbook; and fold-out templates.
00000174(260 pages) $39.95

Making an Archtop Guitar - 2nd Edition

by Bob Benedetto
The definitive work on the design and construction of an acoustic archtop guitar. This updated second edition features 288 pages of content, including 24 color pages and 4 tear-outs. "I know of no other work offering comprehensive step by step coverage of the making of an acoustic jazz guitar." - George Gruhn
00260960 $49.99

The Gibson L5

by Adrian Ingram
Introduced in 1922, the Gibson L5 is the precursor of the modern archtop guitar. This book takes a look at its history and most famous players, from its creation, through the Norlin years, to its standing today as the world's most popular jazz guitar. Includes a 16-page full-color photo section.
00000216(112 pages) $29.95

Centerstream publishes a variety of music books on instruments, instructional, reference, and biographies.

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