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The Amazing Incredible Shrinking Saxophone

by Thornton Cline/illust. Susan Oliver
Dylan joins the band at school to play saxophone. But all Dylan wants to do is play jazz. His teachers demand he play the easy songs first. Dylan listens to a virtuoso saxophone player performing on the street and wishes to play like him. The man warns Dylan that if he doesn't cooperate with his teachers and play the songs they ask him to play, his saxophone will shrink until it vanishes. One day, his saxophone shrinks to such a tiny size that Dylan can't play. Dylan discovers the secret to making his saxophone grow back to its full size and is rewarded by being able to play his favorite music - jazz! (Recommended for ages 4-8)
00266141 $9.99

The Classic John Klemmer Songbook

A true music innovator, composer and saxophonist, John Klemmer is credited with paving the way for the smooth jazz and new age genres. This unique book/CD pack contains Klemmer's actual recorded tunes from his hit MCA records Touch and Barefoot Ballet. Following the recorded versions are complete rhythm tracks for soloing and improvising. Songs include: Body Pulse, Crystal Fingers, Forest Child, Free Fall Lover, Glass Dolphins, Poem Painter, Rain Dancer, Sleeping Eyes, Talking Hands, Waterwheels, and more, in both concert key for all instruments, and in Bb for saxophone. Includes spoken introductions by Klemmer, a biography, and a foreward by Rheuben Allen, owner of LA'a famous Sax Shop.
00000280Book/CD Pack $22.95

Centerstream publishes a variety of music books on instruments, instructional, reference, and biographies.

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