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Music Reference


The Hawaiian Steel Guitar and Its Great Hawaiian Musicians

compiled & edited by Lorene Ruymar
This fascinating book takes a look at Hawaiian music; the origin of the steel guitar and how it spread throughout the world; Hawaiian playing styles, techniques and tunings; and more.
00000192(208 pages) $34.95

The History & Artistry of National Resonator Instruments

by Bob Brozman
This book is a history book, source book and owner's manual for players and fans that covers the facts and figures necessary for serious collectors. In addition to many black and white historical photos, there is a 32-page color section, and appendixes with serial numbers for all instruments, a company chronology, and a Hawaiian Artist Discography.
00000154(296 pages) $35.00

The Larson's Creations - Centennial Edition

by Robert Carl Hartman
Swedish immigrant cabinet makers Carl and August Larson made instruments under the brand names of Maurer, Prairie State, Euphonon, W.J. Dyer & Bro., Wm. C. Stahl, and under their own name, and their highly collectible creations are considered today to be some of the finest ever made. Lovingly researched and written by Robert Hartman, grandson of Carl Larson, The Larsons' Creations contains many beautiful color photos of these artful instruments, classic ads & catalogs, and a CD featuring 11 artists and a mandolin orchestra. Includes 32 pages of full-color photos!
00001042Softcover Book/CD Pack $45.00
00001043Hardcover Book/CD Pack (312 pages) $65.00

The Music Never Stops

A Journey Into The Music of The Unknown, The Forgotten, The Rich & Famous
by Dick Weissman
Dick Weisman, former member of ‘60s folk group The Journeymen, takes you on an odyssey through his years as a student, musician, recording artist, educator and author. The depth and flavor with which he tells his stories puts you right in the time and place where the memories were make! If you want to know what it was like to be a rising star in the ‘60s music scene – including all the trials, tribulations, business dealings and dirty laundry – then this is the book for you. Dick also has encouraging words for modern musicians – how to succeed, and pitfalls to avoid – while building a career in music, His undiminished love of playing music, simply for the love of the art, is obvious in every phase.
00175572 $27.99

The Other Brands of Gibson

by Paul Fox
From 1929 through 1961 Gibson, Inc. of Kalamazoo, MI produced over 30 brands of musical instruments that did not carry the Gibson name. Many of these brands may be familiar, with names such as Recording King, National and Washburn, while many others are brands that only a handful of avid Gibsonites will know, such as Werlein Leader, Grinnell, Truett, and many more. This book is a complete guide to all of the other brands Gibson produced, complete with detailed descriptions, photos and rare examples of existing instruments from collectors around the world. If you’re hoping to find that diamond in the rough at the local garage sale, this guide will familiarize you with even the most obscure brands Gibson made for more than three decades.
00001560 $29.99

Centerstream publishes a variety of music books on instruments, instructional, reference, and biographies.

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