Contemporary Saxophoneby John LaughterThis book contains info on: creating solos; selecting a sax, mouthpiece, reed and ligature; mics and sound systems; choreography; and more. Includes an artists' equipment list, discography, and CD performances by Jay Davidson and Don Wise. |
Country Fiddleby Marilyn BosThis well-thought-out book is divided into 17 lessons for the intermediate player. Contains simple to advanced fiddle tunes, exercises to help the player develop a strong supple left-hand and flexible balanced bow-arm, chords for each tune, and more. |
Cowboy Guitarsby Steve Evans and Ron Middlebrook, foreword by Roy Rogers, Jr.Back in the good old days, all of America was infatuated with the singing cowboys of movies and radio. This huge interest led to the production of "cowboy guitars." This fun, fact-filled book is an outstanding roundup of these wonderful instruments. |
Cowboy Songs for Harmonicaby Glenn Weiser, foreword by Ranger Doug GreenThe harmonica is indelibly associated with the popular image of the cowboy, playing his plaintive, warbling melodies to wile away the evening hours and calm the cattle, as music was known to do, after the herd had stopped for the night. With few options for entertainment along the trail, other than poetry, dancing and music, it’s no wonder that hundreds of songs emerged from the Old West telling of the cowpuncher's life, the exploits of famous outlaws, and other aspects of frontier existence. In this book, you’ll find 27 of these traditional ballads arranged for the 10-hole diatonic harmonica. All songs include music notation, harmonica tablature, guitar chords, lyrics and online audio files with acoustic guitar backing tracks. |
Dave Celentano's Guitar Techniquesby Dave CelentanoIn this book/CD pack, ace guitarist Dave Celentano shares his performance-enhancing exercises designed to increase accuracy, speed and agility, and maximize practice time. Contains new and challenging information for players of all ability levels. |