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The Complete Guide to the Gibson Mandolins

Foreword by Walter Carter
by Paul Fox
A definitive source for information about the company that defined the modern mandolin. From the very beginning when Orville H. Gibson built the first carve–top instruments in the 19th Century to the instruments still being made by Gibson today, this book is a complete guide to the vast array of instruments the company produced in the mandolin family, including historical documentation, images, illustrations, detailed descriptions, photos and rare examples of existing instruments for sources around the world. This book also reveals some of the secrets behind many of the proprietary construction techniques bused by Gibson throughout the decades.
002023488.5x11/248 pages $45.00

The Complete History of the Leedy Drum Company

by Rob Cook
This is the fascinating story of professional drummer, inventor, and industrialist Ulysses Leedy and his apartment-based drum company that became the world's largest manufacturer of percussion equipment.
00000160(182 pages) $35.00

The Contemporary Hand Drummer

by José Rosa & Héctor Pocho” Neciosup
Develop contemporary hand drumming techniques with extraordinary speed &?independence with this book/CD pack. The foundation of Afro-Caribbean music is explained, including the clave concept, and a comprehensive chapter containing the patterns of many of the most popular rhythms. Includes clear instructions, logical sequences, and sections on applying rudiments and on independence training which have applications beyond hand drumming.
00001213Book/CD Pack $19.95

The Contemporary Percussionist

by Glen Caruba
This comprehensive DVD covers the congas, bongos, timbales, djembe, and the use of "toys," all in a modern musical setting! Includes a recording studio scene explaining creative overdubs, plus a hot Latin jazz performance. 60 minutes.
00000373DVD $19.95

The Country Guitar Style of Charlie Monroe

Based on the 1936-1938 Bluebird Recordings by The Monroe Brothers
By Joseph Weidlich
One of the most popular acts of the 1930s was The Monroe Brothers, featuring Bill on mandolin and tenor vocals, and Charlie on lead vocals and rhythm guitar. This great overview of Charlie Monroe’s unique guitar performance style (he used just his thumb and index finger) presents 52 songs, with an in-depth look at the backup patterns & techniques from each chord family, plus special note sequences, common substitutions and stock backup phrases. Includes the bluegrass classics “Rollin My Sweet Baby’s Arms,” “My Long Journey Home” and “Roll On, buddy.” Plus a discography and complete Bluebird recording session info.
00001305 $19.99

Centerstream publishes a variety of music books on instruments, instructional, reference, and biographies.

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